Free Plugins Info

By ukmodak | March 31st 2024 10:38:39 AM | viewed 1072 times
Sl Plugins Functionality
1 wp-migrate-db usefull for exporting databas replacing urL and path
2 wp-super-cache usefull for caching
3 vegas-fullscreen-background-slider usefull for background animated images
4 simple-google-maps-short-code.1.3.1
usefull for simple google maps
5 insert-php/php-text-widget usefull for writing php code on post or page type
6 wck-custom-fields-and-custom-post-types-creator usefull for creating custom post type and field and also its font-end php page according its url rules
7 wordpress-seo usefull for SEO friendly
8 wordfence usefull for web security
9 visualcaptcha usefull for capcha on any form
sitepress-multilingual-cms-master(need to paid)

Google Translate
usefull for automatically create page type for optional language
11 mechanic-visitor-counter usefull for visitor counter
12 download-manager usefull for create download link
13 responsive-slick-slider.1.2.2 usefull for header banner
14 clean-login,profile-builder.2.8.7 usefull for custom login,registration,edit registration
15 PDF Viewer usefull for showing pdf file in post,page
16 wpschoolpress(paid version,Student Management Plugins) usefull for Student Management
17 wp-mail-smtp usefull for smtp mail sending
18 Permission wordpress has default roles for permission
super-admin-somebody with access to the site network administration features and all other features. See the Create a Network article.
administrator- somebody who has access to all the administration features within a single site
editor-somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users.
author-somebody who can publish and manage their own posts.
contributor-somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.
subscriber-somebody who can only manage their profile.
search for option name wp_user_roles in the wp_options table

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